Everything you need to know about FreelanceMethod.
The FreelanceMethod website was launched in 2021 with the goal of becoming a guide and handbook for anyone interested in freelancing. Since 2019, there has been a growing interest for freelancing all over the world.
In particular in “Third-World” countries, freelancing has garnered a strong interest. it is perceived as a viable career path in countries where the social and economic context are uncertain. Whether it’s in West Africa, in Maghreb, in South-East Asia or any other place in the world, freelancing seems to be the answer to some complex issues.
For freelance beginners mistakes, missteps and fake “good ideas” abound. Finding advince from more experienced independent workers is a must. But, not everyone has access to mentors.
Why FreelanceMethod?
The goal of FreelanceMethod is to answer the questions beginners freelancers may ask themselves. No matter where they may be on the planet. It’s one of the reasons the site is available both in French and English.
On this website, you will find guides, opinion pieces, case studies, various advice and even reviews on a selection of platforms and software. All in all, it’s a compendium of experiences and knowledge that various freelancers have gained over the years. Their experiences regarding freelancing platforms, payment methods, cloud services they use and even working with clients.
FreelanceMethod is also aimed at clients and recruiters who are looking for freelancers or trying to build a distributed workforce all around the world. This website also endeavors to advise and guide such recruiters so that they can get the most out of their partnership with freelancers. They will find actionable advice to manage a remote team, working async, etc.
FreelanceMethod doesn’t pretend to have the absolute truth. Over time, this website is supposed to become a community where freelancers and clients from the whole world can partner, trade points of view and gain insights.
Meet the FreelanceMethod Team
The FreelanceMethod is supposed to grow over time (if all goes well). You will find below, relevant information about the team members : writers, contributors, editors, webmasters…
Emmanuel Sanya
About me: with a background in diplomacy and law, I started working as a freelancer back in 2014.
I work as a Copywriter, SEO Content Writer, ENG-FR Translator, etc. I’m also the founder of FreelanceMethod.